How PROPVERSE Does it Differently?

The New Property Landscape, Digitalised Platform Economics


  • Property Developers / Managers
  • Estate Agents / Negotiators
  • Qualified Feng Shui Consultants / Practitioners
  • Mortgage Banker / Financial Consultants
  • Legal & Conveyance Professionals
  • Other Property-Related Services (e.g. ID Consultants)


Unique Service Delivery Promise

Collaborated Feng Shui & Payment Options, 1st in the market.

Sticky Property Listings

Advocate anti-hijack & eradicate Shadow-Posting, warm leads

Community-Driven Participation

Posting & Sharing Property Commentaries, Crowd-sourced marketing

Automated Property Sourcing

Accept/Decline Listing Assignments, Direct advertisers.

Project Sales Inventory

Request/Receive secured appointments, Property Developers.

Associate Profile-Builder

Published Rating & Acknowledgement, Product Specialist.


Find Out, How We Do IT Differently! Request For A DEMO....

Complimentary Assisted Project Set-Up [For 1st Time Only]

Project Advertorial (Service)
Developer & Agent Native Listing - With Tools, Features & Functionalities
New Launch, Under-Construction & Completed Units
CopyWriting (Available Upon Request)
Universal Agents (Function)
Send / Receive Agent Participation Request (Accept / Decline)
Virtual HandShake On Terms Arrangement (Appointment Fee & Duration)
Unit Allocation & Distribution (Package & Leads Tracking)
Automated BaZi & Feng Shui Map (Feature)
Favourable Sectors & Auspicious Stars For All Unit Layouts
Recommendations Based On Renter / Purchaser BirthDate Compatibility
Sponsored BaZi & Feng Shui Online Reading (Digital Associate Consultation)
Deal-Enabler Widget (Tool)
Flexed Sale / Rent Proposal Generator (Pre & Post-Sale Revenue)
RE.Think Payment Solution With Credit Card ZER0% Installment Plan
Instantly Create Marketing Campaigns & Participate In Member Privileges
Introductory Promotion *
3 Projects, For The Price Of 2
Additional Feng Shui Map For Up To 10 LayOuts
One-Time Fee Only, With Extended Listing Period
Complimentary 1st Project Set-Up Assistance
Tools, Features & Functions Are Attached To Terms Of Use
* Subject To Change Without Prior Notice


  • Assisted Listing > To achieve competency & create qualified property postings.
  • Digital Handshake > To reach & secure terms of appointment instantly.
  • Feng Shui Contents > To find & match property's unique value to each individual.
  • Payment Strategy > To enchance listings' potential with affordable deal structure.

About Us

PROPVERSE is a boutique PROPTECH outfit with a tweak of FINTECH. We are a market collaborator in the Real Estate verticals, blends into a REco-system where both startup disruptors and incumbent industry players shall thrive on each other’s existence.

PROPVERSE is not a portal that makes you pay to compete for mere visibility rankings. It’s the place to advertise any properties to be positioned strategically according to its true features. In short, the property listing priorities should not be costing users endless credit top-ups, it should be qualified through a pre-defined set of parameters instead. Our unconventional platform is designed for properties to transact, facilitate towards the end-state of a successful deal while navigating through an imperfect market condition.

Driven by proven-concepts from applied experience of the co-founders in Finance and Property fields respectively, PROPVERSE aims to transform the Real Estate landscape with its cross-industry platform economics that focuses on true digitalization ‘results’. Amongst the initiatives that are exemplified in the pilot roll-out :-

  • Focus on harnessing property value to each different individual, to balance the weightage on price comparison
  • Mechanism to prevent low-quality listings, or shadow-postings from hijacking and distorting the sales funnel
  • Training the market to adopt functional models that reinvigorate and grow the industry in any economic-cycles

PROPVERSE > property, infinite prosperity....

Say Hello!


+603 3310 0889 [email protected]